Thursday 31 March 2011


Okay so this is for all the Homophobic people out there.

I would really like to know what you have against those of us who are Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual,Pansexual and Transgender.
Seriously what is your problem?
I still don't get what our life style has to do with you, what is wrong with us being happy and finding that special someone to share the rest of our life with?
How does our happiness affect you? It is our life after all and not yours.
We don't disrespect your life style or judge you for being straight, so why do you have to do it to us?
We are human and shouldn't we have the same chance to find true love?
To find the one we want to spend forever with?
And seriously just because we happen to like the same sex does not mean we will look at every person of the same gender and like them, get over yourself.
We are who we are and have accepted it, why can't you guys just accept it and let us live our lives without us having to look over our shoulder?

What is beautiful?

So someone asked me the other day what I thought being Beautiful really meant.
Here is my answer.

It's not about your size or even what you look like.
True beauty in my opinion is being comfortable within yourself 
and being comfortable with the world seeing you for you.
Just because someone looks like a model doesn't necessarily make them beautiful,
It makes them attractive, but being attractive and being Beautiful are 2 very different things.
Anyone who is happy with who they are and what they look like are Beautiful in my eyes,
We are not out appearance, but we are whats underneath
and to me that is what true beauty is about.

Life is Ours.

"Life is ours and we live it our way."

Or so we should.
Too many young kids these days aren't happy with themselves because they don't get the chance to be who they truly are.
Instead they follow the crowds, listen to what everyone else is listening to,
wear what everyone else is wearing, and do what everyone else is doing,
All because they want to fit in and think it's the "cool" thing to do.
What ever happened to the days when people could always be who they wanted to be and not who society or the media thought they should be.
The days when  it didn't matter what clothes you wore or what you listened to,
the days where you could walk down the street without being judged or put down,
the days when people weren't afraid to show the world who they were.
The young ones of today do what ever it takes to fit in, and in some cases that even means 
Doing drugs, drinking alcohol, having sex, getting into trouble with the law,
the thing that gets me is it isn't just the older kids doing this, 
it's kids as young as 12, sometimes younger.
Is this really the image we want to put out there?
Do we really want our kids, or grandchildren growing up with this kind view on how life should be lived?
Everyone should always be who they want to be, and not worry about what people think.
Kids should be taught it's okay to be different, and that they should always be themselves no matter what other people say.
I know people will always be judged and put down, we can't change that but,
Would you rather be someone who you know you're not and never have a chance at true happiness 
or be the person you know you are, find happiness and deal with those who put you down just because in reality they're jealous?


Welcome To My Blog

I would like to welcome you all to my blog.(Obviously).
Basically this blog is going to be based on my opinion about certain subjects,
and occasionally about how my day was or how I am feeling.
I will warn you guys now that some of what I write will be "dark" so to speak.
I am very opinionated and am not afraid to say how I feel towards a certain matter.
I will cover many subjects and am happy to take any ideas from you guys.